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G.M. Kayumova , Department of obstetrics and gynecology Bukhara state medical institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, Uzbekistan
X.N Hamroyev , Department of obstetrics and gynecology Bukhara state medical institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, Uzbekistan


The frequency of premature rupture of the membranes before the onset of labor, according to various authors, varies widely from 1 to 19.8% of cases. pathways, impaired uteroplacental circulation and the development of fetal hypoxia.


Pregnant women with premature rupture of membranes, genital tract biocenosis, polymerase chain reaction


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G.M. Kayumova, & X.N Hamroyev. (2023). SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FEMOFLOR TEST IN ASSESSING THE STATE OF VAGINAL MICROBIOCENOSIS IN PRETERM VAGINAL DISCHARGE. International Journal of Medical Sciences And Clinical Research, 3(02), 58–63.