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Mirzaqandov Elyor Erkinjon Ogli , Assistant, Department of Stomatology and Otorhinolaryngology, Fergana Public Health Medical Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Moydinov Ravshanjon Rakhimjonovich , Assistant, Department Of Stomatology And Otorhinolaryngology, Fergana Public Health Medical Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Usmonov Sanjar Bahromjon Ogli , Assistant, Department Of Stomatology And Otorhinolaryngology, Fergana Public Health Medical Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


The development of mucormycosis is also caused by the lack of timely diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic hemisinusitis after suffering from Covid-19, as well as the omission of intraocular and intracerebral complications. Timely diagnosis and treatment of mucormycosis during a pandemic are of great importance in the rapid recovery of the general condition of patients, and prevention of sinus thrombosis and other complications.


Mucormycosis, fungus, Loss of smell


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Mirzaqandov Elyor Erkinjon Ogli, Moydinov Ravshanjon Rakhimjonovich, & Usmonov Sanjar Bahromjon Ogli. (2023). ANALYSIS OF EARLY DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF MUCORMYCOSIS IN PATIENTS WITH COVID-19. International Journal of Medical Sciences And Clinical Research, 3(02), 54–57.