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Indicators of clinical and laboratory findings in patients who was suffered from Covid in Uzbekistan. (Retrospective and Prospective Analysis)

Nabiyeva Dildora Abdumalikovna , D.m.s., Professor of the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy and Prof. pathology No. 1 of Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Makhfuza Rustamovna Bekchanova , Teacher in Kimyo International University in Tashkent, 156/Shota Rustaveli street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


A comparative analysis of clinical, anamnestic and laboratory parameters of patients with COVID-19 was carried out using the method of retrospective and prospective examination. It was found that during treatment with antiviral drugs, a quarter of patients had changes of cytolysis markers. It was also shown that patients with comorbidity were more common in a prospective study.


Covid-19, retrospective study, prospective analysis


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Nabiyeva Dildora Abdumalikovna, & Makhfuza Rustamovna Bekchanova. (2025). Indicators of clinical and laboratory findings in patients who was suffered from Covid in Uzbekistan. (Retrospective and Prospective Analysis). International Journal of Medical Sciences And Clinical Research, 5(01), 62–68.