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The heads of boys from 3 up to 7 years old

Tukhtanazarova Shavkiya Ibadovna , Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, ZARMED University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


An investigation of 500 boys shows the greatest enlargement of skull sizes in children aged from 4 to 5 years old. Growth deceleration of the skull's parameters such as the longitudinal diameter skull's transversal size, the length and width of the skull's base, and zygomatic and mandibular diameters were revealed at the age of 6 to 7 years old.


Development, childhood, head circumference


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Tukhtanazarova Shavkiya Ibadovna. (2025). The heads of boys from 3 up to 7 years old. International Journal of Medical Sciences And Clinical Research, 5(01), 32–34.