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Karimov M.A. , Namangan State University, Faculty Of Medicine, Uzbekistan, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Makhmudova R.Y. , Kosonsoy Abu Ali Ibn Sino Public Health Technical University, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Abduraimova R.A. , Kosonsoy Abu Ali Ibn Sino Public Health Technical University, Namangan, Uzbekistan
O'rinboev M.R. , Kosonsoy Abu Ali Ibn Sino Public Health Technical University, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Beknazarov A.T. , Kosonsoy Abu Ali Ibn Sino Public Health Technical University, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Nurkabilov O.T. , Kosonsoy Abu Ali Ibn Sino Public Health Technical University, Namangan, Uzbekistan


the Andijan regional oncology dispensary analyzed the 120 patients on the "D" account for the side effects observed after chemotherapy and chronochemotherapy treatments. In 80-90% of patients receiving chemotherapy, different manifestations of side effects are observed. The observation of these toxic complications is explained by the effect of the cytostatic drug on typical cells.


Chemotherapy, chronochemotherapy, toxic complications


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Karimov M.A., Makhmudova R.Y., Abduraimova R.A., O'rinboev M.R., Beknazarov A.T., & Nurkabilov O.T. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF TOXIC COMPLICATIONS OF CHRONOCHEMOTHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF MALIGNANT TUMOR DISEASES. International Journal of Medical Sciences And Clinical Research, 3(04), 129–134.