Atakulov Bekzod Abduhalil o‘g‘li
Independent researcher of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law, Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan
Bisenova Gulistan Ongarbaevna
A Trainee of the Supreme School of Judges under the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Specializing in Criminal Law, Uzbekistan
Ubbieva Biybinaz Qarlıbaevna
4th year student of the specialty "Fundamentals of National Spirituality and Legal Education" of the Faculty of Law, Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, Uzbekistan
Murodov Bakhtiyorjon Bakhodirovich
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Lieutenant Colonel. Head of the Department of Investigative Activities at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 100197, Tashkent, Intizor Street, 68. Scientific specialization: 12.00.09 - Criminal Procedure. Criminalistics, Operational-Search Law and Forensic Examination. UDC: 343, Uzbekistan
Nishonov Eldorjon Muzafar ugli
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Administrative Activities of Internal Affairs Bodies, Faculty of Administrative and Organizational Activities, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Criminalistics, operational-search law and judicial expertise.UK: 343.593:343.98.068, Uzbekistan