The article provides a comparative analysis of public relations related to the organization and regulation of the activities of charitable foundations in the USA, England, and Uzbekistan in educational institutions. Based on the analysis of national legislation, the features of the management of higher educational institutions are disclosed. The issues of granting broad autonomy and freedom in this area were considered. At the same time, proposals were put forward to bring the foundations of higher education financing into line with modern requirements, not only traditional sources of financing, but also the creation of funds based on the study of foreign experience using methods of generality, similarity, identification of features, and comparison. Appropriate conclusions were drawn, as well as suggestions and recommendations that should be applied in the future in scientific research works. As one of the modern means of eliminating problems related to the financial independence of higher educational institutions, applying the experience of universities in foreign countries was proposed to create charitable foundations (Endowment). The author reveals the history of the development of charitable foundations in Western and Eastern countries, their current situation, and the relevance of the organization of charitable foundations for higher education institutions in order to increase the attractiveness of education.
Endowment, finance, assetHow to Cite
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