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Toji Omonovich Norov , Doctor of Philosophy (DSc), Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to the problem of unity, which is the subtlest and mysterious problem related to existence, widespread in Muslim oriental philosophical schools. The problem of Wahdat al-Wujud (the existence of God), along with its pluralistic nature in Eastern philosophy, tried to shed light on the extremely ignorant approaches put forward by extremely fanatical trends and sects, their quality as a weapon of the dominant political ideology. The article reveals a subject in the philosophical heritage of the great thinker Alisher Navoi with very simple examples, with examples from the works of enlightenment, mysticism, and provides scientific and analytical conclusions.


Muslim oriental philosophy, one existence, mysticism


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Toji Omonovich Norov. (2024). THE ISSUE OF WAHDAT AL-WUJUD IN ALISHER NAVOI ONTOLOGICAL PHILOSOPHY. American Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity Research, 4(11), 50–57.