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Rukhiddin Kh. Patkhiddinov , Doctoral Student, Namangan State University (Namangan, Uzbekistan)


The history of the Fergana Valley in 1917-1924 is characterized by famine, increasing epidemics, war, and the collapse of the national economy due to the policy of military communism of the Soviet authorities. These factors forced the people to go through a whirlwind of unprecedented difficulties. In the Fergana region, epidemics of perspiration, malaria, cholera, influenza, and plague spread and the spread of syphilis, tuberculosis, smallpox, and other infectious diseases intensified in the conditions of increased famine. As a result, a major health crisis occurred in the region.


Soviet power, public health, famine


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Rukhiddin Kh. Patkhiddinov. (2023). HISTORY OF THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY OF TURKESTAN IN 1917-1924: ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE FERGANA REGION. American Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity Research, 3(06), 87–95.