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Dilfuza Tukhtasinovna Sobirova , Associate Professor At The Department History Of Uzbekistan Of Andijan State University, Candidate Of Historical Sciences, Andizhan Region, Republic Of Uzbekistan


It is known that during the former Soviet Union, the central government formed Uzbekistan as an economic colony, a base for the supply of cheap raw materials for the “center”. The unscientific conclusion that “women’s issues were solved” in the former Soviet Union led the Soviet government and the Communist Party to involve women in social production under the slogan of “economic liberation” and to make them the main productive force in society by using their labor as cheap labor “made it possible”.  It is known that during the former Soviet Union, the central government formed Uzbekistan as an economic colony, a base for the supply of cheap raw materials for the “center”. The unscientific conclusion that “women’s issues were solved” in the former Soviet Union led the Soviet government and the Communist Party to involve women in social production under the slogan of “economic liberation” and to make them the main productive force in society by using their labor as cheap labor “made it possible”.                


Women, economy, Word War


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Dilfuza Tukhtasinovna Sobirova. (2023). THE ROLE OF UZBEK WOMEN IN THE NATIONAL ECPNOMY DURING THE SECOND WORD WAR. American Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity Research, 3(04), 55–60.