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Oysulton N. Turaqulova , Lecturer, Denau Institute Of Entrepreneurship And Pedagogy, Surkhandarya Region Denau City, Sh. Rashidov Street, Denov District, 360, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the semantic method of term formation in Medical Terminology. English medical terminology, like any other terminological system, is replenished in various ways, one of which is the semantic method of term formation. It includes the transition of terms from other sciences, the borrowing of terms from other languages, the terminology of the common meaning of a word, metaphorical and metonymic transfers.


English terminology, linguistic, historical and social reasons


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Oysulton N. Turaqulova. (2022). FEATURES OF LEXICAL-SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF MEDICAL TERMS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES. American Journal of Philological Sciences, 2(11), 107–114.