The comparison of tense systems in English and Russian languages

Section: Articles Published Date: 2025-01-30 Pages: 66-67 Views: 0 Downloads: 0


  • Ruzimova Lazizabonu Nurbekovna 3rd year student of the specialty: Philology and language learning: English language, Uzbekistan National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Uzbekistan


This article provides a comparative analysis of the tense systems in English and Russian, highlighting their structural and functional differences. English, with its twelve tenses, offers a comprehensive framework to express time and aspect, emphasizing tense-aspect combinations such as simple, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous forms. In contrast, Russian features a simpler tense structure—past, present, and future—relying heavily on verbal aspects (perfective and imperfective) to convey nuances of time and completion. The article explores the implications of these differences, particularly in the formation of the future tense, negation, and question structures, while also discussing the role of context in resolving temporal ambiguity. This study sheds light on the challenges faced by learners of both languages and underscores the significance of understanding tense-aspect systems for cross-linguistic competence.


Tense system, verbal aspect, English grammar