Throughout its history, the term has been considered by scientists from different points of view. Despite a large number of works on terminology, many problems concerning the term are still unsolved. No researcher has a monopoly on truth, so terminological work must continue. Terminology as a special field of knowledge is attracting more and more attention from researchers. This is explained by the international nature of modern scientific knowledge, caused by the processes of integration and, as a result, the desire to unify terms as a way to overcome language barriers in various spheres of socio-linguistic activity. Linguistic terminology reflects the conceptual apparatus of various national scientific traditions, linguistic trends and schools, as well as the linguistic theories of individual authors.Terminology as a special field of knowledge attracts all more attention from researchers. This is due to the international the nature of modern scientific knowledge, caused by the processes integration and, as a result, the desire for the unification of terms as a way overcoming language barriers in various areas of socio-cultural activities.
Terms, interdisciplinary terms, polysemyHow to Cite
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