This article explores the functions of phraseological units (PUs) in Uzbek business discourse, shedding light on their role in cultural and linguistic contexts. Phraseological units, which include idioms, collocations, and proverbs, are essential in conveying nuanced meanings, expressing cultural values, and enhancing communication efficacy in business interactions. The research employs a combination of continuous sampling, systematization, component analysis, and discourse analysis methods, supported by a review of both domestic and international literature on phraseology and business communication. Findings reveal that in Uzbek business discourse, PUs serve multiple functions: they reflect cultural values, such as respect and community orientation; facilitate indirect and polite communication; and employ metaphors drawn from traditional contexts like agriculture. Specific examples include idioms and proverbs that emphasize hard work, strategic thinking, and resilience. The study concludes that PUs are integral to effective business communication in Uzbekistan, enhancing rapport, persuasion, and understanding. The ongoing integration of traditional phraseology with modern business practices continues to evolve, underscoring the dynamic nature of Uzbek business discourse.
Phraseological Units, Uzbek Business Discourse, Cultural ValuesHow to Cite
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