This study investigates the impact of non-school elements on educational neediness and instructional quality in Algeria using a multinomial econometric methodology. Recognizing that factors outside the formal education system can significantly influence student outcomes, this research aims to quantify and analyze how variables such as socio-economic status, family background, and community resources affect educational experiences and needs.
The study employs a multinomial logit model to examine the relationships between non-school factors and various dimensions of educational neediness and instructional effectiveness. By incorporating data on socio-economic indicators, parental education levels, and access to community resources, the analysis provides insights into how these elements contribute to disparities in educational outcomes and instructional quality.
Key findings reveal that socio-economic status and parental education have substantial effects on students' educational needs and the quality of instruction they receive. For instance, students from lower socio-economic backgrounds are more likely to experience higher levels of educational neediness and face challenges in accessing quality instruction. Conversely, students with more supportive family environments and greater community resources tend to benefit from enhanced educational experiences. The research highlights the importance of addressing non-school factors to improve educational equity and instructional effectiveness. By identifying the key non-school elements that influence educational outcomes, the study offers valuable recommendations for policymakers and educators aiming to mitigate disparities and enhance the overall quality of education in Algeria. The findings underscore the need for comprehensive strategies that consider both in-school and out-of-school factors in the pursuit of educational excellence.
Multinomial econometric analysis, non-school elements, educational needinessHow to Cite
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