The discourse surrounding New Caledonia's independence debate reflects a complex interplay of divergent perspectives, historical narratives, and political agendas. This study undertakes a critical discourse analysis to unveil the contours of dissension inherent in the debate on New Caledonian independence. Through an examination of key discursive strategies, rhetorical devices, and ideological positions employed by stakeholders, this research elucidates the underlying dynamics shaping discursive formations within the independence discourse. Drawing upon critical discourse theory, the study explores how power relations, hegemonic discourses, and historical legacies intersect to construct and contest meanings of identity, sovereignty, and nationhood in the context of New Caledonia. By interrogating the discursive construction of oppositional stances, this analysis aims to shed light on the complexities of the independence debate and its implications for the socio-political landscape of New Caledonia.
New Caledonia, independence debate, critical discourse analysisHow to Cite
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