Section: Articles Published Date: 2023-07-12 Pages: 21-30 Views: 17 Downloads: 4


  • Dilrabo Andaniyozova Phd Student In Philology Institute Of Uzbek Language, Literature And Folklore Of The Academy Of Sciences Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan


Today in the world of linguistics, the priority is given to integrative scientific works in the approach to onomastic units in literary text, including the study of problems such as allusive names, onomastic metaphors, onomastic scale of literary text, intertextual aspects of names are considered as the heated problem. Improvement of the linguopoetic approach in modern Uzbek linguistics has also raised the issue of a comprehensive study of the language units that make up the literary text. Because any linguistic unit can become an invaluable tool in the literary text, serving the artistic intention of the author, and reflect the unique poetic laws. In particular, onomastic units are no exception. Therefore, today there is a great interest in the study of the role and functions of onomastic units in the formation of literary texts, the meaning of symbols in addition to the nominative function of names, their linguopoetic features, their role in Uzbek linguoculture. Therefore, today there is great interest in the study of the role and functions of onomastic units in the formation of literary texts, the meaning of symbols in addition to the nominative function of names, their linguopoetic features, and their role in Uzbek linguoculture. This article describes the role of zoonyms in the literary text and their lingvopoetic features.


Linguopoetics,, onomastics, onomapoetics