Analysis of Concrete Block: Partial Replacement of Cement with Fly Ash

Section: Articles Published Date: 2023-06-12 Pages: 34-38 Views: 6 Downloads: 3


  • Shivek Khanduri Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Lpu Jalandhar, India


This study examines the analysis of concrete blocks with partial replacement of cement using fly ash. Fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion, is known for its pozzolanic properties and has been widely used as a cement replacement material in concrete production. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of fly ash as a partial replacement for cement in the production of concrete blocks. The properties of the concrete blocks, such as compressive strength, density, and durability, are assessed through experimental testing. The findings of this study provide insights into the feasibility and effectiveness of utilizing fly ash in concrete block production, contributing to sustainable and environmentally friendly construction practices.


Concrete block, fly ash, cement replacement