This article evaluates somatometric indicators and the functional state of the cardiovascular system in adolescents living in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The study involved 61 adolescents from the Muynak district, an area that is considered environmentally critical, near the dried-up coast of the Aral Sea, and 68 adolescents from the Ellikkala district, an area that is considered relatively safe from an ecological point of view. Statistically significant differences in the values of body length and body weight of adolescents were revealed (p<0.05). It was found that systolic blood pressure and heart rate values in adolescents in Muynak are higher than in their peers living in Ellikkala (p<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in the values of chest circumference and diastolic blood pressure in adolescents (p>0.05). In the course of the study, initial data on the morphofunctional status of adolescents living in the Republic of Karakalpakstan were obtained.
Karakalpakstan, environment, physical developmentHow to Cite
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