This article investigates the biochemical characteristics of guinea pig saliva under conditions of dysbiosis. Dysbiosis, which represents a disruption of normal microbiota, can significantly impact the health of animals and their physiological processes. In the course of the experiment, key components of saliva, including proteins, carbohydrates, and electrolytes, were analyzed to identify changes associated with microbiota imbalance. The results showed significant deviations in the biochemical composition of guinea pig saliva, indicating potential mechanisms by which dysbiosis affects digestion and immune response. These findings emphasize the importance of monitoring microbiota status and biochemical indicators of saliva for maintaining the health of guinea pigs.
Dysbacteriosis, guinea pigs, salivaHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2024 Babakulov Sharof Khamrokulovich, Babakulova Shakhlo Khamidullaevna, Abdukarimov Dilshod Isakovich

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