The effect of rice flour addition on pasta quality: a case study from the republic of uzbekistan
The study investigates the impact of rice flour addition to wheat flour in pasta production, focusing on quality attributes such as texture, cooking properties, and sensory evaluation. The research explores the physicochemical changes occurring due to different rice flour concentrations (10%, 20%, and 30%) and their effect on gluten structure, firmness, and cooking stability. Laboratory analyses, including protein content, moisture retention, and elasticity tests, were conducted to evaluate the influence of rice flour substitution. The results indicate that a moderate incorporation of rice flour (10–20%) maintains acceptable pasta quality while improving digestibility and reducing gluten-related concerns. However, excessive rice flour content (30%) negatively impacts structural integrity and sensory appeal. This study provides valuable insights into alternative flour utilization in pasta production, contributing to the development of gluten-modified and functional food products.
Rice flour, wheat flour, pasta qualityHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2025 F.E. Raxmatov, Sh.B. O‘ktamov, S.N. Obloberdiyev, M.B. Abdukarimova, S.B. Raxmonberdiyeva

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