Studying the impact of local wheat varieties on finished product quality
This study investigates the impact of local wheat varieties on the quality of the final product by analyzing key physicochemical properties. Laboratory tests were conducted to assess wheat samples based on test weight (775 g/L), moisture content (9.9%), gluten quality (98) and quantity (29%), transparency (55%), and impurity level (1.36%). The results classified the analyzed wheat as first-grade flour, indicating its suitability for high-quality product manufacturing. Understanding the influence of these parameters is crucial for optimizing flour processing and improving end-product characteristics.
Local wheat varieties, flour quality, gluten content, moisture levelHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2025 Sh.B. O‘ktamov, F.E. Raxmatov, S.N. Obloberdiyev, S.B. Raxmonberdiyeva, M.B. Abdukarimova

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.