Mallayeva Mavjudakhon Makhramovna , Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand. Uzbekistan, Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh. Uzbekistan Mustafakulov Mukhammadjon Abduvaliyevich , Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand. UzbekistanAbstract
As a result of the development of industrial technologies and changes in the ecological environment, various xenobiotics released into the environment are increasing. Increasing exposure to xenobiotics may lead to the development of diseases associated with toxic hepatitis (TG) in the population. The following exogenous factors can cause TG: industrial and household toxic substances, chlorinated hydrocarbons, naphthalene and biphenyls, benzene, metals and other inorganic elements, monomers used for the production of polymer materials, plastics, hydrazine and its derivatives, as well as dioxins and radionuclides. All of these exogenous toxins have a cumulative damaging effect on the liver, so they must be converted into non-toxic compounds for the body and eliminated. The main mechanisms of toxic damage to the liver are lipid peroxidation, protein denaturation, reduction of ATF, mitochondrial dysfunction, inhibition of membrane receptors.
Hepatitis, hepatotoxic, metabolism
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