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D.N. Khatamova , Senior Lecturer Of "Mining Engineering" Department, Navoi State Mining And Technological University, Uzbekistan
E.U. Yuldashev , Assistant Of "Mining Electromechanics" Department, Almalyk Branch Of Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan


The research of operational indicators of compressor units shows that undercooling of air in reciprocating compressors for every 5-6 ℃ increases energy consumption for air compression by 1%, and productivity decreases by 8-10%, which leads to tangible economic losses in compressed air production. The existing cooling systems of compressor units have a number of significant shortcomings due to the peculiarities of their operation, the paper considers various ways to improve the operation of the cooling system, proposed new technical solutions, the implementation of which will reduce the energy consumption of compressor units.


Compressor, cooling system, temperature


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D.N. Khatamova, & E.U. Yuldashev. (2023). IMPROVEMENT OF COOLING SYSTEM OF MINE RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR UNITS. American Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 3(09), 14–22.