This research aims at exploring theta roles- theoretical entities in the Urdu language that are very crucial in enabling one to Account for relations between verbs and their associated arguments. This is explained by the elaborate framework of theta roles that are commonly used, and consist of the Agent, Theme, Goal, Source, Experiencer, Patient and Instrument. For instance, in the case of “He is reading the book,” while the Agent role refers to the performer of an action, the Experiencer role refers to the passive experience as it is illustrated in “I am hungry.” This paper provides a way of differentiating and studying the intricate relationship between various features of the Urdu language. However, in order to investigate this issue more vigorously, the research also applies Chomsky’s minimalist agenda. Analyzing the studied theories in the given program, this investigation provides a more detailed interpretation of the structural and semantic characteristics of Urdu, greatly increasing the awareness of the language’s sophistication.
Thematic roles, Urdu sentence structure, Chomsky’s agendaHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2024 Khalid Iqbal, Hira Munir , Anam Ikhtiar , Muhammad Haseeb Nawaz , Muhammd Umair , Beenish Anwar

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