Bonu Ashirova , Lecturer, Department of French Language and Literature, Karshi State University, UzbekistanAbstract
Modern social pedagogy, for example, assessing the situation of identity crisis in the postmodern space, emphasizes not only the narrative etiology of this crisis but also emphasizes the need for a special purposeful formation of an educational attitude to fight against it. Recall that, according to Jameson's formulation, the narrative process actually creates reality and at the same time rejects its relativity, that is, any claim to adequacy as a representation of some non-narrative reality. . The most important attribute of narrative characterisation is its self-sufficiency. As noted by R. Barthes, the procedural nature of the story "is not intended to directly affect reality, but for the event itself, that is, ultimately beyond any function other than symbolic activity." will open. Debate on narrative actualizes the problem of self-identification of the subject, and expands the problem area of research into the field of communicative strategy.
narratology, Narrative structure, Character development
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