Ensuring AI Accountability in Judicial Proceedings: An Actor–Network Theory Perspective
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being incorporated into judicial proceedings, from predictive algorithms for sentencing and risk assessment to AI-powered tools for case management. As AI continues to shape the legal landscape, questions regarding accountability in judicial proceedings become more pressing. This paper adopts an Actor–Network Theory (ANT) framework to explore the roles played by human and non-human actors—such as judges, lawyers, AI systems, and legal institutions—in establishing accountability in AI-driven legal processes. Through this lens, we examine the dynamics between these actors and the implications of AI’s role in legal decision-making. The study identifies key challenges surrounding AI accountability in judicial proceedings, highlighting the need for transparent and responsible AI development, while proposing pathways for integrating AI tools ethically and equitably into judicial processes.
AI Accountability, Judicial Proceedings, Actor–Network TheoryHow to Cite
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