This article examines the concepts and characteristics of public services in the Republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, based on scientific doctrine and national legislation. It explores the historical development of the term “public services,” analyzing not only the public service concepts in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan but also in other developed countries, with reference to scientific works from the CIS and abroad. The concept of public services is linked to the idea of the “service state”. The author seeks to define public services as the interactions between state bodies and private (public) entities aimed at meeting the needs of citizens and organizations in the exercise of their rights and legitimate interests, grounded in the scientific doctrine of foreign scholars. These services are argued to encompass a wide range of activities, such as issuing licenses, registering legal entities, providing social benefits, and other government-provided services. Additionally, the article analyzes the concept of public services in the legal frameworks of both countries, highlighting their similarities and deficiencies.
State services, the concept of public services, service stateHow to Cite
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