This article examines the problems facing today's investigation and preliminary investigation of crimes related to hooliganism, and other issues related to this topic. The article describes tactics and combinations of further investigative actions in the investigation of hooliganism, gives the most important methodological comprehensive instructions to investigators and interrogators, a forensic description, and also develops a number of proposals for solving some emerging legal problems in practice. Investigative situations that may arise during the investigation of a crime of hooliganism are also analyzed, and the author believes that the most difficult of these investigative actions is a fight between groups due to hooliganism. The article criticizes the fact that the effectiveness of interrogation in some investigative situations when investigating hooliganism is reduced, which in turn negatively affects the quality of the investigation and preliminary investigation of this type of crime. The prospects for wider implementation of polygraph technology during interrogations are explored. In addition, a sequence of investigative and procedural actions has been developed, as well as a procedure for the actions of the inquirer and investigators in cases related to the inquiry and preliminary investigation that may arise during the investigation of the crime of hooliganism. The legal problems associated with the inquiry and preliminary investigation were also analyzed, and relevant proposals and recommendations were presented.
Hooliganism, investigative situation, further investigative actionsHow to Cite
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