Section: Articles Published Date: 2024-04-30 Pages: 46-54 Views: 0 Downloads: 0




Relevance:. The article examines the emergence and development stages of stopping the preliminary investigation at the stage of bringing the case to court. The article analyzes the uniqueness of stopping the preliminary investigation in each period, the grounds on which the preliminary investigation was stopped, the ideas put forward by scientists in the formation of this norm, and developed suggestions and recommendations for the existing problems.

Explanation of the problem:. it was analyzed that this norm was carried out in the form of termination of the criminal case in the stages of development of stopping the preliminary investigation.

In the procedural legislation, the suspension of the preliminary investigation in the case of the first drug crime is recognized as an independent stage of the criminal process. It has been stated that stopping the initial kick-off will help to quickly and fully solve crimes, to ensure that every person who commits a crime is justly punished and that no innocent person is prosecuted and convicted, and that the guilty are exposed and that the law is properly implemented.

Aim of the research:. consists of studying the scientific basis of stopping the preliminary investigation, identifying its theoretical and practical problems and developing ways to eliminate them, as well as improving legal norms

Methods of the research:. the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, historicity, logicality, comparative-legal, systematic analysis of knowledge are widely used in the implementation of scientific research.

Results and main conclusions:.In the process of this scientific research, the stages of development of stopping the preliminary investigation were systematized and studied. The socio-legal necessity of stopping the preliminary investigation was justified.


Customary law, defendant, wanted