This article covers the issues of legal responsibility and its improvement in the legal protection of the environment in the field of construction. The article first analyzes the relevance of the topic, relevant shortcomings and problems in the field, as well as the practice of developed countries in this field. In the process of studying the subject, the existing legal framework was studied, the relevant shortcomings were identified, and innovative solutions for increasing legal responsibility and environmental protection were proposed. Based on the results of all the research, it can be briefly concluded that further to improve environmental legal responsibility in the construction sector, first of all, it is necessary to strengthen accountability measures, improve monitoring and reporting mechanisms, as well as actively involve non-governmental and non-profit organisations in the fight against violations of environmental norms. , as well as additions to some norms in the legislation will stimulate the further development of this field. In addition, the lack of appropriate incentive measures to ensure the friendly attitude of citizens or legal entities towards nature in the construction sector was recognized as one of the shortcomings of this sector.
Ecology, environment, harmful wasteHow to Cite
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