In this article, international organizations such as UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education, UNESCO, International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), Commonwealth of Education (COL), Germany , Great Britain, the United States, Australia, Singapore, Finland, Norway, Poland, Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, India, Turkey, France, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc., the experiences of countries with developed distance education are considered.
Studying the experience of foreign countries on the formation of organizational and legal frameworks of distance education is important in improving the quality of distance education programs, activating international cooperation, and ensuring that distance education programs meet the needs of students and the labor market. Within the framework of this research, one of the urgent issues is to study the advanced foreign experience of organizing distance education in higher education institutions.
The author says that it is necessary to propose the ratification of the UNESCO Global Convention "On the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications", its nature and importance, terms of membership, the positive results achieved based on the experiences of the countries that have ratified it, and possible risks. puts forward a firm position.
Qualification recognition, Minevra project, Open universitiesHow to Cite
Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education.Date and place of adoption:25 November 2019 -Paris, France.Entry into force: 5 March 2023, in accordance with its Article XVIII.
The International Council for Open and Distance Education. ICDE is the leading, global membership organisation that works towards bringing accessible, quality education to all through open, flexible and distance learning.
EDEN Digital Learning Europe was created to continue the operation of the European Distance and E-Learning Network once the United Kingdom left the European Community.
Germanyʻs State Distance-Learning University. The FernUniversität in Hagen is Germanyʻs only state distance-learning university, and its largest in terms of student numbers. Its flexible degree programs and continuing education options make higher education accessible to students in a variety of life situations. Its five faculties conduct a wide range of theoretical and applied research in their subject areas of Humanities and Social Sciences, Psychology, Mathematics and Computer Science, Economics and Business Administration, and Law.
The University of Koblenz-Landau is a young, medium-sized university. In 1990 the university emerged from the former teacher training college. In the meantime research and teaching are organised in three linked interdisciplinary subject areas entitled "Learning", "Society" and "Environment".
Joachim Stöter, Carl von Ossietzky. Last update: 16 August 2015. Germany case study . Distance education in European higher education. International Council for Open and Distance Education; UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning; StudyPortals B.V.. (Accessed on: 23 October 2023, 12:27 CEST)
Rey L. (2001), Ragsdell, Gillian; Uilbi, Jennifer (tahrirlar), "Birlashgan Qirollikning ochiq universitetida tizim amaliyoti" , Murakkablikni tushunish , Boston, MA: Springer US, 45–53-betlar, doi : 10.1007/978-1-4615-1313-1_7 , ISBN 978-1-4615-1313-1, 2021-yil 23-sentabrda olingan
Education Reform Act 1988.
"Richards, Xuu, "Ikki dunyoning toʻqnashuvi", Times Higher Education (1997-yil 5-dekabr)" . 1997-yil 5-dekabr . 2010-yil 26-aprelda olingan
The Education Act 2011 (Commencement No. 1) Order 2011
Higher Education and Research Act 2017
Distance Education and Innovation.
John Sperling, PhD, a Cambridge-educated economist, professor and entrepreneur, founded University of Phoenix in 1976 in response to the changing needs of the workplace.
In 1970, two teachers were inspired to create better opportunities for adult learners pursuing advanced degrees—and Walden University was born. Today, weʻre at the forefront of delivering high-quality distance online education for working professionals.
Southern New Hampshire University is a private, nonprofit, accredited institution with more than 3,000 on campus students, over 170,000 online students, making it one of the fastest growing universities in the nation.
Minerva University (formerly Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute) is a private university headquartered in San Francisco, California. It was established in 2012 by Ben Nelson using $25 million in venture funding from Benchmark Capital. All classes are conducted as online seminars capped at 19 students.
Australiaʻs independent national quality assurance and regulatory agency
The Ministry of Education (MOE) formulates and implements education policies on education structure, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. It oversees the management and development of Government-funded schools, and the Institute of Technical Education, polytechnics and universities.
The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) is Singaporeʻs first University of Applied Learning and the third largest university by intake in Singapore. SITʻs mission is to maximise the potential of our learners and to innovate with industry, through an integrated applied learning and research approach, so as to contribute to the economy and society.
SkillsFuture Singapore Agency and Workforce Singapore Agency.
Finnish National Agency for Educationʻs (EDUFI) website.
The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.
Ministry of Education (MOE) website:
State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) website:
Burns, Mary. Distance Education for Teacher Training: Modes, Models and Methods. Retrieved 10 September 2012.
Since its inauguration as the first national university in Korea to offer distance learning in 1972, Korea National Open University (KNOU) has proudly cultivated a history and tradition that has now reached a 50-year milestone. Even during the global COVID-19 pandemic, KNOU was able to utilize its accumulated experience and state-of-the-art distance education system to overcome this crisis, further consolidating the future of university education and fully demonstrating its reputation as a leader in distance learning.
The Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) is a public institution under the Korean Ministry of Education that promotes various projects and academic research related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education ranging from primary to higher education.
Fransiya.Taʻlim kodeksi.III bob: Oliy taʻlimning maqsad va vazifalari. (L123-1-L123-9-moddalar).
Marta Choroszewicz, Beata Mäihäniemi.Developing a Digital Welfare State: Data Protection and the Use of Automated Decision-Making in the Public Sector across Six EU Countries.Global Perspectives (2020) 1 (1): 12910.
Soulier Avocats.The new legislation on telework introduced by the reform of French labor Law is not necessarily a step towards simplification. Published on 11 December 2017. simplification
The Deanship of Distance Learning was established at King Abdulaziz University on 11/5/1425 H. As the Deanship aims to provide diverse and distinctive educational services in response to the increasing demand through the effective recruitment of modern technologies in e-learning and distance education in accordance with local and international standards of quality.
The Kingdomʻs first institute of higher education, King Saud University, was subsequently opened in Riyadh in 1957.
In 2006, a royal decree was issued that established the first university for girls in Riyadh, under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and with the aim of serving the development and progress of the Kingdom.
National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) is an organ of Saudi Arabiaʻs Education and Training Evaluation Commission that oversees the countryʻs school accreditation facility. It is an autonomous body but directly responsible to the council of higher
The Deanship of Distance Learning was established at King Abdulaziz University on 11/5/1425 H. As the Deanship aims to provide diverse and distinctive educational services in response to the increasing demand through the effective recruitment of modern technologies in e-learning and distance education in accordance with local and international standards of quality.
The Kingdomʻs first institute of higher education, King Saud University, was subsequently opened in Riyadh in 1957.
In 2006, a royal decree was issued that established the first university for girls in Riyadh, under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and with the aim of serving the development and progress of the Kingdom.
National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) is an organ of Saudi Arabiaʻs Education and Training Evaluation Commission that oversees the countryʻs school accreditation facility. It is an autonomous body but directly responsible to the council of higher
The Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) to the United States is one of the specialized agencies created by the Saudi government in 1951 to administer programs and policies to meet the educational and cultural needs of Saudis studying in the United States. It also functions as an intermediary between U.S. educational institutions and their counterparts in the Kingdom in terms of issues pertaining to culture, education and science.
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