this article talks about the specifics of pre-trial investigation of defamation crimes. In the article, the author discussed the history of the institution of pre-investigation investigation, its application in practice, scientific analysis of the opinions of scientists in this regard, and gave his opinion on the concept of pre-investigation investigation. In addition, he theoretically substantiated their scientific solutions by pointing out some loopholes in the law before the investigation of defamation crimes.
Pre-trial investigation, defamation crimes, personHow to Cite
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Order No. 100 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 12, 2017 "On approval of the instruction on the procedure for the organization of inquiries and preliminary investigations in the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan", paragraph 54.
M.Ulug'bek District IIO Investigation Department under FMB from criminal case No. 262692/22-194
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