Modern society places increasingly high demands on individuals involved in the education of convicts. A specialist in the field of education of convicts must be a professional in a broader and more comprehensive field of this work. The article discusses the issue of forming an acmeological direction of psychology among employees involved in the education of convicts.
Relevance: Discipline and order in modern society are necessary so that a person does not violate the rules of society, respects the laws, but also in order to cultivate in a person the qualities necessary for society.
Formulation of the problem: in penal institutions, the regime has established conditions that stimulate the desire of convicts to comply with discipline. In instilling discipline in convicts, disciplinary practice plays a significant role.
The purpose of the study: to cultivate in a person the qualities necessary for society, to force him to develop in a direction that is useful and necessary for society. The author examines particular issues of the formation of acmeological orientation of persons involved in the education of convicts.
Research methods: minimalism, systematic analysis of psychological phenomena, pedagogical and sociocultural analysis, theoretical and empirical.
Results and main conclusions: when carrying out general preventive measures aimed at preventing violations of the regime of detention of convicts, it is necessary to take into account the entire complex of interrelated objective and subjective factors.
Discipline, crime, educationHow to Cite
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