Abdazimov Shavkat Khakimovich , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Of The Department "Technosphere Safety" Of Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan Amirov Mukhtar Uktamovich , Assistant Of The Department "Technosphere Safety" Of Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan Qambarov Abduvali Hamidovich , Teacher Of The Educational Center For Life Safety Department Of Emergency Situations Of Tashkent Region, UzbekistanAbstract
This article discusses the issue of organizing information about a threat or an emergency that has already occurred (accident) is transmitted primarily to children's, educational and medical institutions that are in the zone of possible damage.
The issue of the action of the leaders of an educational institution when receiving an alert signal and conveying information about an emergency situation, parents (relatives of children, educators, teachers or adults who are close to children without parental supervision) are required to take all available measures recommended to the population in order to ensure the safety of children.
Emergencies,, students,, , school
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