Application of modern technologies in the development of energy-efficient technologies

Section: Articles Published Date: 2025-02-28 Pages: 56-60 Views: 0 Downloads: 0


  • Pardaev Z.E. Docent, department “Power Engineering”, Karshi State Technical University, Karshi, Uzbekistan
  • Khuzhakulov S.M. PhD, Docent, department “Power Engineering”, Karshi State Technical University, Karshi, Uzbekistan
  • Toshmamatov B.M. Senior Lecturer, department “Power Engineering”, Karshi State Technical University, Karshi, Uzbekistan


The article analyzes the heat supply systems of industrial production processes and the amount of various emissions released into the atmosphere from them. The use of heat pump systems in industry is of great importance, taking into account environmental protection regulations and fluctuating fuel prices. Studies on the energy integration of industrial heat pumps have revealed that, due to the widespread use of high-temperature heat pump systems (>90 ℃), there are several opportunities for heating capacities from 20 kW to 20 MW, especially in the food, paper, metal, and chemical industries. The problems of transitioning to a heating system based on renewable energy sources have been studied.


Production processes, secondary energy sources, energy efficiency