A Comprehensive Review on Thoracic Outlet Syndrome for the Surgeons
Thoracic outlet syndrome is brought on by a compression of the neurovascular bundle at the thoracic outlet. Although detection and treatment have improved, difficulties with diagnosis still exist and have an impact on patient management. This study sought to emphasize the importance of TOS in medical education by conducting a thorough analysis of its anatomical characteristics. The complicated condition of TOS is brought on by compression at the thoracic outlet. The neurogenic (n TOS), venous (vTOS), and arterial (a TOS) subtypes of TOS differ in terms of anatomical features, etiology, categorization, and pathogenesis. We looked at clinical assessment, diagnostic techniques, and conservative therapies such as physical therapy and injectable therapy. For refractory instances, surgical procedures such as initial rib resection and scalenectomy were investigated. For a precise diagnosis and successful treatment, it's essential to understand the complexities of its anatomy and etiology. Although conservative therapies frequently work well, resistant instances could necessitate surgical intervention. Positive results are influenced by improvements in surgical methods and minimally invasive procedures. While continuing research aims to overcome diagnostic issues and customize treatment plans for specific individuals, improved imaging techniques assist in diagnosis. A thorough understanding of TOS is necessary for medical education to promote precise diagnosis and top-notch patient care.
Arterial, venous, subclavian veinHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2025 Abbas Jaafar Khaleel Al-Anbari, Noor Abbas Hummadi Fayadh, Hayder Abdul-Amir Makki Al-Hindy

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