The presence of chromium in the environment poses a potential mutagenic hazard to all animal and plant life, including humans. Methods have been proposed for detecting the formation of chromium, isolating it, and recovering it from contaminated environmental samples. The permissible limits of chromium in environmental samples such as industrial waste, workplace particles, plants, aquatic animals, and food samples have been studied. A suitable organic reagent has been selected. A sorption spectroscopic method has been developed for the determination of chromium (III) in industrial effluents. An optimal sorbent has been selected for the chosen organic reagent. A method for immobilization was developed, and immobilization was carried out with the selected carrier. The pH dependence of the complex formation between chromium (III) and the organic reagent was studied. The structure of the complex formed with the immobilized Nitrozo-R reagent was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy.
Sorption-spectroscopy, immobilization, nitroso-R-saltHow to Cite
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Copyright (c) 2024 G.U. Mirakhmova, N.K. Madusmanova, Z.Z. Yakhshiyeva, Z.A. Smanova

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