Qaljanov Raxman Pulatovich , Teacher of the “Preschool and primary education” department of the Nukus Innovation Institute, Uzbekistan Utebaev Nawriz , Teacher of the “Preschool and primary education” department of the Nukus Innovation Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
Physical education of elementary school students has its own characteristics due to their anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics, as well as adaptation to new conditions. With the beginning of studies, the amount of mental work of children increases significantly, and their physical activity and ability to be outdoors is significantly limited. In this regard, proper physical education at primary school age is not only a necessary condition for the comprehensive development of the student’s personality, but also an effective factor in increasing his mental activity. Therefore, in terms of relevance, this topic should occupy a leading place in pedagogy.
Physical education, development, mental activity
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