Sajjad Behzad , School of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Mehdi Addin Arghand , Engineering Department, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, IranAbstract
Rolling element bearings are critical components in many industrial applications, and their failure can lead to significant downtime and maintenance costs. Therefore, predicting the remaining useful life of bearings is essential for effective maintenance scheduling and avoiding unplanned downtime. In this study, vibration fluctuation analysis and failure modes investigation were employed to determine the failure threshold of rolling element bearings. Results showed that the vibration fluctuation of bearings increased significantly when the bearing was close to failure. The failure modes of bearings were also identified, and the corresponding vibration signals were analyzed. Based on these findings, a failure threshold was determined, which can be used to predict the remaining useful life of bearings.
Rolling element bearings, vibration fluctuation analysis, failure modes investigation
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