The use of irrigation solutions is an essential step in root canal therapy to disinfect the root canal system and remove debris. However, these solutions can affect the structure of the root canal dentin, which can have implications for the success of the treatment. This study aimed to investigate the effects of different irrigation solutions on root canal dentin. A total of 60 extracted human mandibular molars were randomly divided into four groups and irrigated with different solutions. The effects of the irrigation solutions on the root canal dentin were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The results showed that sodium hypochlorite had the most significant effect on the structure of root canal dentin, causing significant widening and irregularity of the dentinal tubules. Chlorhexidine, either alone or in combination with sodium hypochlorite, had a lesser effect on dentinal tubules. These findings have implications for the choice of irrigation solutions in root canal therapy, as the use of sodium hypochlorite may compromise the integrity of the root canal dentin.
Irrigation solutions;, Root canal dentin;, Sodium hypochloriteHow to Cite
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